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awesome game!


I truly loved that game , I just found myself laughing like a supidhead at some -pretty obvious- points in the plot. And thus I wondered , do you have , or plan on having , a discord server ? Like , to let us know of how things develop and the such ? Anyway , loved the work and hope to see more (also I want to know more on Rose and Grace dangit !) !

I'm super late but that's cool. I played a bit of your game! It's pretty funny! I had a good time. I may go back and finish it.


Thanks for posting this, haha, I like to see people's reactions. I'm working very slowly on adding more variation and fixing up the glitches.


will you ever think about making a sequel to this i want more of this stuff if possible.


Don't read this if you haven't played the game.

Emily seems like a shitty DM to me, or maybe an inexperienced one.  She says this starter adventure is to help the girls get used to the game, to get used to rolling dice and such, and yet she rolls every dice roll.  She doesn't let either of the girls even touch the dice.  On top of that, there are more than one 'dick DM' moments in the game and her attitude is overall apathetic.

Also, I hope there ends up being a full campaign  after the starter adventure, or at least that the starter adventure ends up being bigger.  I'm not asking for either right now, because I know you're working hard as hell on this and I don't want to rush you, but I'm definitely looking forward to there being more of this in the future.  Good work overall, my dude.

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hey- all these sprites were taken from artists that released their work under CC for non-commercial use. They were all credited, but that one specifically was made by Shida, in their Lemmasoft post titled Otome Sprites by Shida (CC-NC-SA).


I found a bug. I decided to sacrifice merchant in the end. But in epiloque it said Analis (MC) sacrificed herself.

great and funny game ♥ 

Was this on a play-through after you'd already sacrificed yourself? I think the problem was a missing variable definition at the beginning... Please let me know.

I had a choice at the end - who to sacrifice? I chosen merchant. But later, in epilogue it was said that Analis (MC) sacrificed herself and statue of her was build.  


Hi. I had the same thing happen and it was my first playthrough. Sacrificed the merchant but it says I was sacrificed. Also said something about an evil sacrifice. I don't know if it was me it was referring to or the merchant. I don't think I was evil.

I had assumed the 'sacrifice' it was talking about was when you were brought into that satan chamber by Gus to be a sacrifice for Kuro.

I sacrificed the mayor in my first playthrough, so I can't help you there.

really awesome LGBT visual novel set in a DND campaign! I think you did a great job  with something as, classic as DND. Good luck in NaNoRenO!

Gotta say I really enjoyed this. The main character is basically just me if I was a weeb instead of just japanese haha. Didn't feel like much more than just a fun distraction but honestly that's all I was looking for. Though that isn't to say I wouldn't love to see more. Especially the breaking the story route. :P

Also fuckkkkk that wizard unf You know how to push my gay lil buttons

Deleted 5 years ago

Yes. Yes. This is the point. I was struggling so much to just get the full story out of the way, I killed my soul in the journey. Adding 3-4 variations in just one story-line was already a big burden on the story-linking in the time-frame, but I definitely have some plans that involve Kuro and the Wizard. I didn't get to flesh out the reasons behind the wizard, or the relationship between Kuro and...... Yeah I'm spoiling too much... Hehehe. You'll find that there is one defined ending with three variations at this point, but if you play violently, there is a link to another side of the story I never got to fledge out. There is an option to completely ignore Emily's quest-line that I had to hash out half-way because of the estimated time to code. I have so many ideas for this that I have to slowly add to it, and different ways for the player to keep track of their items and past choices so it's easier to play...... But yes, thank you for bringing this up so I had somewhere to air this. If you've failed the fight with the Wizard, and died there, you'll see a link to a different side of the story, but I guess it's a bit hard to expect, since... Rng. I also wanted to put a lot more between Grace and ___, but I'm not sold on creating options that could break up their relationship...... It could be interesting, but the characters are based off of reality, and so I might create an option that could break my relationship, haha....

Thank-you, sincerely, for taking the time to play and even comment on this project.

Deleted 5 years ago